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Psychology Methodology for B.Ed Students

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Child Psychology and its importance:
To know your own child as they grow up is a rewarding task for a parent. To know how the child understands the world at the same time teaching him new skills and mentoring them is a wonderful job for a parent. Knowing how the child feels and receives new emotions, feelings, and nurturing their talents is the most satisfying journey of one’s life.
As a child grows, he or she goes through many changes from birth to adulthood. There are many factors affecting the child like genetic, cultural, social and environmental factors. In the midst of all these factors, a child progresses to the next stage. They start developing and it’s difficult for them to analyse their feelings. Child psychology keeps us aware of the child and his behaviour as per the situations and environmental factors affecting him or her. Best B.Ed college for admissions

The meaning of Child Psychology

The Child psychology deals with the development of childhood at the subconscious and the conscious level. The psychologists observe the child and his pattern of his behaviour at the mental level. The psychologist understands and counsels the child and guides them.

Importance of child psychology

Sometimes a child’s behaviour may display a symptom of an underlying abnormality. It may not be a mental problem, but it is quite unclear. A child psychologist can analyse and help us understand the difference between normal and abnormal behaviour. Therefore, he can communicate and help the parents to deal with the issue properly by communicating with the child and at the same time help the child to know the coping mechanisms for managing emotions. This, thereby helps the child progress towards reaching the developmental stage.

The child’s cognitive development is dependent on their intellectual learning capacity and the child’s thought process. The child’s observation, memory, language building, decision making and problem solving are the different areas where the child uses his or her imagination and basic reasoning. Genetics and environment also play a crucial role in this.Child psychologists can detect the abnormal behaviour at an early stage and also track the root cause of the various behavioural issues like learning issues, hyperactivity and anxiety. The psychologist can help the child with his treatment to help the child out of early childhood trauma. The psychologists use their various techniques in treatment to prevent, evaluate and diagnose the problems like autism, developmental delays or abnormalities.


Psychology Methodology for B.Ed Students:

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Child psychology involves studies in a few areas of development:
Physical Development
The physical development which is normal and predictable includes few sequential events like child holding its head up, rolling over, crawling, walking and running. The paediatrician and the psychologist can together work on the child’s behaviour. The delay in any of the developmental stages can predict an underlying developmental irregularity. By observing the different developmental milestones, the psychologist will address to these developmental issues which are underlying for a long time.
Cognitive Development
The cognitive development of a child in medical purview has changed drastically over the recent years. It is a fact that even born babies become aware of their environment and show interest in connecting with it even before they learn linguistic expression.

Emotional and social Development:There is a relation between the emotional and social development of a child. The child’s way of feeling, understanding and expression of his or her emotions refer to the emotional development. The child expresses basic emotions like anger, sadness, joy and fear. The complex emotions like confidence, guilt, pride and hope develop and surface through their behaviour at later stages. Child’s feelings of empathy for others and ability to understand other people’s emotions also come under emotional development of a child. Regulation and expression of emotions is not easy for many children. When we help a child to understand their emotions and control them could help them to regulate their current and future emotional development. Under the able guidance of a psychologist, a child can understand and learn to control and express their emotions in a healthy and positive way. The way a child feels and regulates their feelings, will help them to interact with people in future and how to behave with them. The children develop their values, awareness and social skills necessary in relating to parents, peers, people in authority and animals. The way child interacts with people around him has a huge impact on their development of skills, trust, friendship and solving conflicts and respect for authority.

Child Psychology : It is a very important branch of science in the context of family health.  It promotes resources to help their children to develop in the various stage of development and helps the physicians to have a deeper look into the mental health. The challenges a child could possibly face with regards to learning or social differences or in the area of developmental delays.


Psychology Methodology for B.Ed Students

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